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All-on-4: Three steps away from the perfect solution

Dental Implant - All-on-4

The All-on-4 treatment consists of two, or, if the healing process is taken into consideration three phases. In the first phase the dental implants are inserted; in the second phase, the permanent fixed replacement is made.

Prior to treatment, we evaluate bone conditions with the help of diagnostic devices (panoramic X-ray, CT scan) considered necessary by a specialist. This is followed by a short period of planning when the positions of the implants are defined, i.e. we find the ideal future place for the dental implants in the jawbone. This depends on anatomical characteristics, bone structure and other individual factors. The planning stage usually takes place simultaneously with the preparation of the quote.

If there is no personal consultation, only an online quote, then a slight modification in the treatment plan might be necessary directly before treatment. This is always in favour of a perfect outcome.

All-on-4 implantation phase:

Depending on the particular case, this phase requires a 1-4 working days stay. The treatment is always preceded by a comprehensive examination, where we check and if necessary, modify the treatment plan. We discuss every detail with the patient and we endeavour to answer any questions.

The surgical procedure is done under local anaesthesia – you will only feel a little sting. Thanks to the most modern anaesthetics, you might feel a slight vibration after this, but you definitely won’t feel any pain.

The dental implants are put to their predetermined places. If you have removable dentures, you can wear them during the healing process, until the completion of your permanent replacement. In this case you may return home the day after surgery. If you don’t have removable prostheses, our dental technician can provide you with a temporary removable denture during the healing process if requested. It takes 3 or 4 workdays to prepare, and after delivery you can return home.

All-on-4 healing phase:

Like every surgical procedure, implantation involves scar formation. Thanks to a modern, less invasive methodology used by our specialists, the healing process takes only a few days and doesn’t cause any special inconvenience.

The process that is important from the aspect of the fixed replacement takes place in the following 3-6 months under the surface: the point of the osseointegrational process is that the jawbone grows around the implant’s specifically developed surface, technically securing the dental implant to itself. The result is a steady unit of bone structure and dental implant which then holds the fixed replacement. You won’t be aware of this process in your daily life, it will not affect eating or anything else, and virtually it cannot be controlled. Therefore no check-up is needed during this period; you don’t need to see your specialist.

Wearing a temporary denture doesn’t affect the process. Our specialist can normally determine the duration of healing when sending the quote.

 All-on-4’s last phase, denture preparation:

After the completion of osseointegration, we have the four pillars (ossified dental implants) which will hold the replacement from now on, so the permanent denture can take prepared.

During the last treatment phase we first use an X-ray scan to find out whether the mentioned process has been completed successfully; then the denture is made. Our specialist frees the implants healing so far from under the gum, and takes an imprint. This will be the basis for the dental technician’s work.

The permanent replacement is created in multiple steps and fitting is needed before each step. The necessity, the numbers and the dates of these fittings are determined by the specialist and the dental technician according to professional criteria. In every case the goal is a perfect denture both aesthetically and functionally. During the fittings we consider anatomical features and professional rules when determining the perfect colour and design in agreement with the patient in order to reach the most appropriate denture size for a perfect result. In this phase, daily fitting and consultation may be necessary and takes from 30 minutes to an hour each time. The previously worn temporary replacement can be worn between the fittings.

At the last appointment the permanent denture is fixed. One of the many advantages of All-on-4 is that we secure the replacement with screws (which are covered with a special material and are therefore invisible), so it can be removed anytime without damaging the replacement or the dental implants. In the course of a comprehensive oral hygiene treatment this may be necessary.

The third and last All-on-4 treatment phase takes five workdays and normally starts on a Monday. After receiving your permanent denture you can return home with a new perfect smile on Friday.

”I kept worrying about my dentures moving or falling out when I was eating or speaking. Thanks to the All-on-4 solution I don’t have to be ashamed of my teeth anymore.”


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